Steroid Dosages

Assumption that “The belief more is better still influences people. If two tablets work well,Steroid Dosages Articles then four must double the effect. With such an attitude the door is open to potential side effects, and it is not even justified by a clearly improved effect. The effectiveness of almost all steroids is dosage dependent up to a certain degree and is achieved when the bonding potential of steroid molecules and steroid receptors is exhausted. When the receptors of the muscle cell are saturated the remaining steroid molecules begin looking for another target. Liver dysfunction, kidney dysfunction, hair loss, acne, high estrogen levels, reduced production of the bodies own hormones, and aggressiveness often have their origin in dosages which are too high. So called mega doses do not result in a distinctly higher strength and mass gain.Intake duration:Duration of intake is too long: The non-stop use of steroids is not recommended for most athletes for two reasons. First, when high dosages are taken over a long time, the risk of potential side effects increases considerable. The chances of organ damage are especially high when oral 17-alpha alkylated steroids are continuously taken. Second, such a behavior is very dubious since the effect of the administered steroids weakens after a certain time which, with a higher dosage or a different preparation, can only be stopped briefly. Everyone should know that the stronger the steroid the faster its effect decreases so that the use over a long period of time is even more foolish Anabol . With Anadrol the gain increase usually is reduced after only 3-4 weeks while with Deca Durabolin, for example, often continuous progress can be obtained over 10-12 weeks.Differences in steroids:Steroids can result in serious consequences if the preparations are flawed or incorrect. “Not all steroids are the same”. There lies a clear distinction between highly androgenic, potentially-toxic steroids such as Anadrol, Methyltestosterone, Dianabol, Halotestin, etc. and the weaker androgenic, predominantly anabolic and less toxic preparations, such as, B. Primobolan, Deca Durabolin, Oxandrolone, Andriol, and Winstrol. Since the first mentioned drugs are the ones which cause the several side effects it makes sense to reduce their intake to a maximum of 6-8 weeks. Women, young adults, and older athletes should be very cautious and should consult a medical practioner before selecting steroid preparations. It is necessary for the general public to understand this distinction between various types of steroids to avoid potential harm to themselves which could be irreversible…Intake schedules:The effectiveness of every steroid program can be considerably increased by a clever combination of steroids since they have a synergetic effect. This means that with a low total dosage one can obtain better results. Since various receptors are attacked it is possible to delay the receptor saturation so that the steroid combination will remain effective over al longer period of time. At the same time potential side effects can be minimized.For example, taking 50 mg Dianabol per day, the athlete should take 20 mg Dianabol/day and 200 mg Deca Durabolin/week.Generally one can say that best results can be obtained by combining an oral steroid with an injectable steroid. The combination of two oral preparations such as Dianabol with Anadrol or Oxandrolone with Methyl testosterone makes less sense. Since the protein-building and nitrogen-retaining effect of most steroids decreases after a few weeks one should begin with a low dosage which is increased slowly and evenly during the intake interval. Athletes whose steroid cycle is longer than 6-8 weeks should usually switch to a completely different combination. Another frequently-made mistake is the sudden interruption of the steroid regime. Many side effects, a possible rebound effect, and strength and weight loss can be minimized if the steroid dosages are decreased slowly and evenly. This also includes that at the end of the steroid intake interval not the highly effective steroids such as Anadrol and testosterone are taken but that the athlete switches to milder preparations and includes these during discontinuance.
